In this article, we will discuss Gabourey Sidibe weight loss in detail so that you know how she did it.
Gabourey Sidibe is a famous American actress, who got nominated for the Academy Award in the Best Actress category for the movie, Precious.
Also, we will reveal the weight loss pill that hundreds of thousands of people used worldwide to lose weight safely.
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss
The movie Precious was released in 2009 and made Gabourey a famous actress overnight.
As Gabourey has always been on the bigger side, in the year 2017, she finally started her weight loss journey.
The only option left for her was to go under the knife to lose weight.
She got Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery after her doctor’s advice.
Unfortunately, she was having a difficult time before going for surgery. One of the things that were bothering her was bulimia1.
According to Sidibe, she started suffering from bulimia from her college years.
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss Surgery
After struggling with various health issues in March 2017, Gabourey finally went for weight loss surgery.
She tried losing weight naturally for several years but failed every time so, she decided that her only way out of this situation is Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery.
In this surgery, the surgeon ties the stomach by placing a band on its top part. After that, only a small part of the stomach is left free where the food can stay.
When there is only a small part of the stomach left that can hold food, you feel full with just a little bit of food.
So, it suppressing your appetite or hunger by making you full faster.
She also said that it was not an easy way out for her and any surgery has risks.
Sidibe thought it was the only option left for her as she wanted to change her relationship with food.
Her surgeon also supported her and told her that after the surgery she would want to eat more healthy foods.
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Gabourey Sidibe Type 2 Diabetes
Another reason that she wanted to lose weight desperately was that she and her brother Ahmed both got diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Also, in her younger years, she, unfortunately, became a victim of bullying because she was overweight. So, she wanted surgery.
For her entire life, she has had this ongoing battle with weight loss.
No woman wants to be called “fat” or “ugly”.
This is one of the reasons why social media is full of haters.
People who are frustrated or unhappy with themself and their life often get on social media to share that hate with other people.
Also in the entertainment industry, physical appearance matters a lot. Getting out of work is easy there.
Gabourey Sidibe has also faced rejection and was even told to quit the industry.
Probably, all these things one after the other pushed her to the limit and she decided to get the surgery.
Also, when she was diagnosed with diabetes, she realized that her life was in danger.
She decided to lose weight so that she can stop worrying.
She also said, “This is my body and I don’t want to be afraid anymore“.
How Gabourey Sidibe Lost Weight Quickly?
With the Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, 80% of her stomach was removed. So, the capacity of holding food remained only 20%.
This significantly affected her eating patterns. She started eating smaller meals.
As soon as she lost weight after the surgery, she flaunted her new physique on her Instagram account.
Before the surgery, she weighed 300 lbs and after that, she lost 150 lbs.
The surgery became a life-changer for her.
She lost weight, reversed type 2 diabetes2, cured bulimia, overcome anxiety, and depression.
But, after the procedure, she followed a proper weight loss diet and tips to maintain her results.
Weight Loss Tips by Gabourey Sidibe
Here are some of the weight loss tips that she shared with everyone…
Avoid Soda
While growing up she would regularly indulge in drinking sodas a lot.
Due to these unhealthy eating habits, she started gaining weight.
Cutting sodas from her diet was the first thing that she did after she decided to lose weight.
She switched the sodas with a healthier alternative like ice-cold water with lemon slices in it. This increased her hydration levels and remove toxins from her body.
No More Junk Food
When she was little eating junk food was a regular thing for her.
She loved eating Oreos, fries, burgers, pizza, and other processed foods.
However, when she decided to eliminate these things from her diet, she finally got rid of the unnecessary transfat and salt3 from her body.
This was one of the major reasons for her weight gain.
Also, she replaced it with healthier foods like hummus, saltine crackers, and veggie chips.
Take a look at the Gabourey Sidibe new look below.
Eating At The Right Time
Now, Gabourey Sidibe has made a habit of eating her food at the right time.
She does not eat lat night snacks anymore. Also, she eats small portions at a time.
In total, she eats 6 to 7 meals daily and also drinks a glass of water at least 20 minutes before every meal.
This stops her from overeating and keeps her hydrated.
If you are also struggling to eat the right type of meal and still lose weight then try the Phenq meal shake. It gives nutrients while burning calories and reducing weight.
Reduced Portion Size
Weight loss begins in the kitchen. Portion size plays a major role in helping with weight loss.
If you continue eating bigger portions then you cannot lose weight.
Sidibe’s nutritionist and personal trainer advised her to add good carbs to her diet. These consist of vegetables, grains, and fruits.
They also told her to add healthy proteins and fats4 to her diets like olive oil, nuts, avocado oil, and seeds.
Replace Big Plates With Small Plates
Whenever you are trying to control portion sizes the easiest way is to replace bigger plates with smaller ones.
This helps in tricking your brain as the plate looks full and you eat less.
Reduce Salt and Sugar Intake
Too much sugar and salt are bad for health. Gabourey loved eating sugary and salty foods like cupcakes and fries.
But after getting diagnosed as a diabetic, she immediately cut down on all these unhealthy foods5.
This is almost like the Keto diet, in that also, you cut down on consuming unhealthy foods.
Gabourey Sidibe Workout Routine
When she started eating healthy, her energy levels increased and she felt motivated to exercise.
So, she got a personal trainer to guide her through her workout routine. She wanted to lose weight fast.
Here is her exercise routine:
Low-Impact Exercise
She started doing slow walks on the treadmill. In addition, she also used the stair-stepper and versa-climber.
These exercises, if done slowly, do not put too much pressure on the joints and cardio helps to burn fat.
Exercise 3 Times a Week
She became consistent with exercising at least 3 times a week with each session lasting for 30 minutes.
The exercises included lunges, barbell curls, leg presses, lat pull-downs, and squats.
Aerial Yoga
Gabourey tried doing aerial yoga and she even shared her photo on social media.
But, she also mentioned that she does not like yoga she hates it. So, she does not do it regularly, she just tried it.
If you have been wondering – what does precious look like now 2021?
Then take a look at her latest picture below. This is Gabourey Sidibe 2021 weight loss look.
Increased Physical Activity
She also started swimming regularly and also started riding a big tricycle.
This just proves that if you are determined to achieve your dreams then you should give your 100%.
If Gabourey Sidibe could lose weight after all the struggles that she had in her life then you can also at least try.
Lose Weight Without Surgery
Most people do not want to get surgery and obviously, it is expensive so affording surgery is difficult.
People want a natural solution, something that can help you lose weight without surgery.
You should try and eat healthy foods, eliminate junk food from your diet, and increase your physical activity.
To support your efforts and speed up your weight loss process, you can use a diet pill.
One of the most popular and top-selling diet pills is PhenQ.
According to the PhenQ review, it is popular because it is a legal alternative to Phentermine.
Now, Phentermine is extremely powerful when it comes to reducing weight but it can cause dangerous side effects.
That is why Phentermine is not available without a medical prescription and we do not recommend using it at all.
On the other hand, PhenQ is made with all-natural and herbal ingredients.
The composition is clinically tested and proven to burn fat, suppress appetite, and increase energy levels.
Also, the natural ingredients do not cause side effects, instead, they help in reducing weight rapidly.
Gabourey Sidibe Early Years
To understand what she has been through in her life, it is important to take a look at her life’s early years and the time before she became famous.
Gabourey Sidibe was born on May 6, 1983, in Brooklyn, New York. She was raised in Harlem.
Her father Ibnou was a cab driver who was born in Senegal. Her mother Alice was a school teacher who later became a professional singer.
She had two brothers and a twin sister. When she was just 12 years old, her parents got divorced.
From a young age, she struggled with weight issues. She knew she was overweight but her father would humiliate and beat her. He would call her “Fatso”.
Her childhood (her real-life situations) taught her acting. She would pretend that she was okay when she wasn’t.
Due to the bad behavior of her father, she felt as if he was dead for her.
She tried to let things go and move on in life but the six-year-old Gadourey is still disappointed. The worst thing is that she feels that she is a victim.
Her brothers were no different. They bullied her a lot while growing up. Especially her older brother would say nasty things to her.
After her parent’s divorce, she along with her mother and brother went to their aunt’s place to live with her.
Even the fellow students in her school were mean to her. They would not miss an opportunity to make fun of her.
It was like, wherever she would go, people would make fun of her.
Gabourey Sidibe Teenage Years
She was not interested in acting at all. Her dream was to go to college and study psychology.
To do that she even worked as a receptionist part-time. Then after some time one of her friends encouraged her to audition for the movie Precious.
She was not very sure about the audition. Her mother even gave her the novel Push, on which the movie Precious was based.
As Gabourey was more interested in education, she did not want to go for the audition while skipping college.
But, she still went for the audition, and there Lee Daniels realized that the movie Precious cannot be made with Gabourey.
Gabourey made the character alive. Her acting was so realistic.
Gabourey Sidibe weight loss 2021 journey had more lows than highs but she still managed to get over it.
The character Precious was an illiterate, obese, teenage mom and Sidibe nailed the character perfectly.
There were more than 300 girls who gave the audition and Gabourey got the part and became a top star overnight.
The movie Precious earned many accolades from Golden Globe nominations to Academy Award nominations.
When Gabourey got nominated for the Best Actress she got super-excited and started screaming, “I am going to get a car“. It made her happy.
Now, it has been many years after the success of that film and people are still curious to know…
What Does Precious Look Like Now?
When Gabourey Sidibe acted as Precious she weighed 300 lbs but after getting her surgery, she started losing weight.
As she started exercising and eating healthy foods, she lost a total of 150 lbs.
Several years have passed since her surgery and immediate weight loss. So, Precious actress now 2021 is not skinny but she is healthy and looks stunning.
This is how Precious looks now…
Gabourey Sidibe Wanted To Be A Therapist
From a young age, she just wanted to be a therapist.
She went to Mercy College in New York City to study psychology. She became passionate about this subject from the young age of six.
As she reached the age of 10, she was already reading and learning about psychology.
At that time, she didn’t know that later in life she would have to see a therapist to help with her life issues.
In her book, “This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare” she revealed that when she was 21 years old, her therapist recommended she take a job as a telemarketer. At least she could pay her bills.
However, Gabourey thought that “telemarketing” is “phone sex”.
Telemarketing Job
Gabourey acted upon the advice of her therapist and got a job as a sex therapist telemarketer.
Her job was mainly to keep the call on for a long time because that would generate more money.
Gabourey revealed that the majority of the callers were white men so she also had to pretend on the phone to be a white woman.
Most of the telemarketers in that company were obese black women.
Sidibe used her sexy voice to make the callers believe that she was their ultimate sexual fantasy. It was as if they were talking to Megan Fox.
She continued doing this job for 3 years and after that, she started acting for the movie Precious.
Her job taught her a lot of real-world things like flirting or asking for what she wanted.
Also, she learned patience, and how to survive in real life.
Although she became a superstar overnight, she is still the same down-to-earth person.
According to her, she is still a normal girl, who is doing abnormal things.
Suicidal Thoughts and Bulimia
Her life has not been a fairy tale, she has been through a lot.
She even suffered from mental health issues and she even mentioned her struggles in her memoir – “This Is Just My Face”.
This is true, she dealt with depression and bulimia.
She even took therapy to overcome her health issues.
She said that therapy is important for her because even though she loves her mom but she cannot discuss everything with her.
There was a very difficult time in her life when she would just cry uncontrollably and she even started hating herself. Typical signs of depression!
The problem was that when she tried to express her feeling to her mom, her mom just didn’t care.
Whenever she would tell her mom that she was sad about something. Her mom would show the least interest in it and advice her to “be more thick-skinned”.
On top of that, her mom would also tell her to stop nitpicking over minor things.
However, her mom believed that she would get over all these issues one day.
But that kind of conviction was not something that Gabourey wanted.
This made her become an introvert. She stopped discussing her thoughts with anyone – even the thoughts of dying.
Finally, one day she decided that she needs help and she went for treatment.
Then a healthcare professional diagnosed her with bulimia and depression. Her therapist knew that she has suicidal thoughts.
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Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss – Medical Treatment
After she informed her therapist of everything that she was going through.
The first thing that her therapist asked was if she has suicidal thoughts.
To answer that question, Gabourey casually replied, “not now, but I know how I will do it”.
She even said that she wished there was a button to erase her existence from the earth.
Then her doctor suggested she get therapy and also prescribed antidepressants.
Even to date, she tries to manage her mental health to the fullest. We wish her success and happiness in life!
In an interview to the People Magazine, Sidibe said, “I have accepted depression as a part of my body now, it is just my biology”.
According to her, bulimia was not something to lose weight, it was a way to deal with depression.
When Gabourey was in high school, she avoided eating with anyone as she didn’t want people to see her.
She also revealed that when she was a college, she would always have this urge to throw up because she was depressed and had panic attacks.
Suicidal thoughts also affected her a lot during that time.
The above picture reveals Precious now 2021.
Gabourey Sidibe Boyfriend
Gabourey announced on her Instagram that her boyfriend Brandon Frankel proposed to her for marriage in 2020. Finally, true love found its way to her!
Brandon works in branding and marketing. Both of them started dating in 2019.
They are each other best friends and they are in love.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Gabourey Sidibe
In 2016, Gabourey Sidibe was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and her only option to reverse it was losing weight. So, after her doctor’s advice, she went under the knife and got Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery to lose all her weight.
Brandon Frankel proposed Gabourey Sidibe for marriage in the year 2020.
150 pounds. Gabourey Sidibe lost a total of 150 lbs.
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery. To lose all the excess weight Gabourey Sidibe had laparoscopic bariatric surgery in May 2016.
Gabourey revealed to her Instagram followers that she is trying to eat healthily and that is why she avoids eating meat on Monday. She calls it “Meatless Monday”. She has started cooking more now and makes a “stir fry cabbage mix” on Monday.
The good advice Gabourey gives to people is to “shake hands with rejection”. She said that life gives more failures than success and you should just accept it and move forward. Also, learn to love yourself and don’t give up your dreams.
No, she never went to any acting classes. Even for the role of Precious, she auditioned because one of her friends insisted.
However, she gave her 100% for the audition and got the role. She played the character so well that even Oprah Winfrey said, “Precious’s story is nothing like her story at all, so she is a brilliant actress.”
Yes, in September 2016, Gabourey became a model for Lane Bryant.
Since the time precious actress lost weight people have been curious about how she did it. After dealing with health issues, she finally decided to lose weight to live a healthy and better life.
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss – Conclusion
The name Gabourey means – the one with beautiful cheeks.
As her weight was one of the biggest issues of her life since an early age. She had been battling it for a long time.
The good thing, however, is that she did not give up.
Everything that happened in her life, taught her a lesson. She became a better person, who loves herself regardless of anything.
When she was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, she revealed that she started dieting at the age of six. At the time when kids are growing and enjoying their life, she was battling life issues.
Not just her father, but also her mother body-shamed her. All of this led to her weight loss surgery.
Finally, after the surgery, she saw some real results on the scale. Her fitness levels started improving.
Getting Type 2 diabetes was also an eye-opener for her. She realized that all bad things around her are affected her body on a deeper level without her knowledge.
Then she realized that it is enough now and it is time to overcome all these problems forever.
She knows that she is a role model for many young girls and she also feels that the entertainment world can sometimes be harsh about the subject of weight loss.
This was all the information we had about researching the topic of Gabourey Sidibe weight loss. If there is anything new, then we will update it here.
With this, we conclude the “how does precious look now?” topic.