Dorian Yates Workout Routine

Dorian Yates was the world’s best bodybuilder from 1992 to 1997. There was just no one who was better than him. He even got the nickname “The Shadow” because he would unexpectedly show up in the competitions at the last minute and win it.

»» Click Here To Read Dorian Yates Biography

Even today, bodybuilders worldwide try to build a physique similar to him.

Dorian Yates Workout Routine

Here is an example of Dorian Yates workout routine that you can also follow and achieve amazing bodybuilding results.

Dorian Yates Biography

Keep in mind that following this routine does not guarantee that you will also win Mr Olympia title six times like Dorian, but you can at least have a great workout.

With consistency in exercise and a healthy diet, you can see incredible changes in your physique.

Dorian Yates was known as the ultimate mass monster so just follow his routine and improve your workout sessions.

The good thing about this workout routine is that it only requires four days of training. The remaining 3 days are for rest.

Usually pro bodybuilders do a very strict higher volume of training programs, but Dorian follows a different routine.

Hence, natural bodybuilders can follow this routine easily because it is not too taxing.

This routine helps you focus on different muscle groups in a span of four days. On day 1 you can focus on your shoulders, abs and triceps. While day 2 is for the back.

Similarly, day 4 is for chest, biceps and abs and finally day 6 is the time for legs.

On the rest days, if you do not feel like resting and you still feel energetic then you can do some cardio. It depends on your own personal choice.

Dorian Yates Bio

Yates is an English bodybuilder. He is originally from Birmingham.

In the year 1983, he started participating in professional bodybuilding competitions at the young age of 21.

He is truly a champion. He won so many prestigious titles including 6 times Mr. Olympia, his journey is really inspiring and motivating.

Dorian Yates Biogrpahy Click HereYou can learn his full workout routine with details on the number of sets and the types of exercises below.

Keep in mind, you can alter this routine according to your preference.

Workout Schedule

  • Day 1 – He works out his shoulders, triceps and abs.
  • Day 2 – He works out his back.
  • Day 3 – Off day.
  • Day 4 – He focuses on his chest, biceps and abs.
  • Day 5 – Off day.
  • Day 6 – He focuses on his quads, hamstrings and calves.
  • Day 7 – Off day.

You may have noticed that he gives enough rest to his body so that his recovery rate improves.

Also, he doesn’t push the same muscle group over and over again.

On all his exercise days, he focuses on separate muscle groups so that he can get a full body workout throughout the week.


Dorian’s triceps workout routine includes 2 types of exercises:

Type 1 – Push down

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×15 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Type 2 – Lying barbell extensions

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×8-10


Dorian’s biceps workout routine includes 3 types of exercises:

Type 1 – Incline dumb-bell curls

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×6-8

Type 2 – Nautilus curls

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×6-8

Type 3 – EZ-bar curls

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×6-8

Back & Rear Delt

Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Barbell Row

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Seated Cable Row Overhand Grip

  • 1×8-10

Hammer Strength Rear Delt Row

  • 1×8-10

One-Arm Hammer Strength Row

  • 1×8-10

Dumbbell Bend-Over Raise

  • 1×8-10

Hyperextension (Back extensions)

  • 1×10-12

The Deadlift

  • 1×8 warm-up
  • 1×8


Dorian’s chest workout routine includes 5 types of exercises:

Type 1 – Incline Barbell Bench Press

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×8

Type 2 – Hammer Strength Bench Press

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×6-8

Type 3 – Cable Crossover

  • 1×10-12

Type 4 – Incline Dumbbell Fly

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×8


Dorian’s shoulder workout routine includes 4 types of exercises:

Type 1 – Smith Machine Shoulder Press

  • 1×15 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Type 2 – Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Type 3 – One-arm Cable Lateral Raise

  • 1×20 warm-up
  • 1×8-10

Type 4 – Dumbbell Shrug

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×10-12


Dorian’s Legs workout routine includes 8 types of exercises:

Type 1 – Leg Press

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×10-12

Type 2 – Lying Leg Curl

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×10-12

Type 3 – Leg Extension

  • 1×15 warm-up
  • 1×10-12

Type 4 – Hack Squat

  • 1×12 warm-up
  • 1×10-12

Type 5 – Stiff Leg Deadlift

  • 1×8-10

Type 6 – Calf Raise (Standing)

  • 1×10 warm-up
  • 1×10-12

Type 7 – Calf Raise (Seated)

  • 1×8-10

Type 8 – Single Leg Curl

  • 1×8-10

Best Bodybuilding Supplement

You can follow the same Dorian Yates workout routine but eating a healthy diet and taking the best bodybuilding supplements is also essential.

It is important to avoid using steroids as much as possible because they can cause side effects, but you can use steroid alternative.

One of the most popular steroid alternative available today is Crazybulk Supplements.

These supplements mimic the effects of steroids but they do not cause side effects because they are made from natural ingredients.

It can be used for both bulking as well as cutting. It gives rapid results and you can expect amazing transformation in your physique within weeks.

Click here to buy Crazybulk supplements

1 thought on “Dorian Yates Workout Routine”

  1. Dorian Yates was greatly influenced by Mike Mentzer’s HIT training method and started following it from his early days in bodybuilding. His training philosophy involves doing different exercises for each body part with maximum intensity for only one set to failure, excluding warm up sets. Yates follows a working split of four days and advises that moderate cardio should be done 2-3 times a week for 20-25 minutes on non-training days. He stresses that cardio should not be done immediately after a workout because doing this reduces muscle gains.

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