In this article, we will discuss whether Bolo Yeung used steroids or he is natural. We have collected all the evidence to know the secret behind his jacked physique. Let’s find out if he is a natural bodybuilder or not …
Bolo Yeung: Stats

- Height – 5’6″ (168 cm)
- Weight – 154.3 lbs (70 kg)
- Age – 75 years (as of 2021)
Yang Sze, also known as Bolo Yeung was born in China on 3 July 1946. He worked as a professional martial artist, actor, and bodybuilder.
He appeared in various films from 1970 to 2017. So, he had a long career in the entertainment industry.
Bolo Yeung: Steroids or Natural
Bolo Yeung is a popular Chinese film actor, who had a film career for almost 47 years. During these years, he appeared in several popular films.
In fact, he even worked alongside superstars like Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bruce Lee.

Maybe you remember him from superhit films like – Enter The Dragon, Double Impact, and Bloodsport, or any other movie. He has worked in a lot of movies.
Bolo Yeung is an inspiration for most bodybuilders as they want to achieve those types of muscles. But, getting that is difficult.
Many natural bodybuilders and even steroid users struggle to get jacked like Bolo Yeung.
The reason is that Bolo had the perfect proportions. His pecs, traps, and arms all were super jacked.
In fact, his appearance looked very similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger during the ’70s. However, he had more body fat percentage.
Bolo Yeung looked like a beast onscreen who would easily crush everything in sight. Also, his pec dance became really famous.
He had the reputation of one of the strongest and deadliest villains in Hollywood. His muscular physique made him look like a scary villain.
The difference between Bolo Yeung and other bodybuilders is that most of them are not able to maintain their gains during the off-season.
Bolo had muscle mass along with abs. This made him look huge and muscular.
Bolo Yeung Bodybuilding
From a young age, he had an interest in bodybuilding. He started exercising and lifting weights and that helped him gain muscle mass.

Then in 1970, he was crowned with the title of Mr. Hong Kong. As he started gaining popularity all over Asia, Bruce Lee, also noticed him.
Then in 1973, he worked alongside Bruce Lee in the super-popular film – Enter The Dragon. Bruce was so impressed by his physique that he cast Bolo in this film.
It has been more than 40 years since the release of the film and people still wonder if Bolo Yeung was on steroids or he was natural.
Let’s find out in detail…
Does Bolo Yeung Take Steroids?
The best way to know if a person is taking steroids or not is to take a look at their body composition. Steroid-users show obvious signs on their body that reveals all the truth.
Some of these signs include:
- Boulder shoulders
- Extreme vascularity
- Cobra traps
- Super-dry abs
- Gyno (Gynaecomastia)
If you notice these signs throughout the year then it is probably due to steroid use.

When a bodybuilder uses steroids, some of these symptoms (or all of these symptoms) are easily visible on their body.
As far as Bolo Yeung is concerned, he does not show any of these steroid side effects (or symptoms) on his body.
He has a huge chest and big traps but they do not look artificial. Also, he has very natural-looking smooth skin.
However, many times these symptoms do not appear very prominently so for a confirmed verdict, it is important to check the gains timeline of the bodybuilder.
Gains Timeline
To know if a person has gained muscles with the help of steroids, the most reliable way of checking is to check his “gains timeline”.
A gains timeline can never go wrong. For example, to know whether Henry Cavill takes steroids, we checked his gains timeline and found out that he is natural.
If you are a natural bodybuilder then you will get big slowly, whereas, if you take steroids, you will instantly blow up and get huge muscle gains.
Also, natural bodybuilders who are blessed with good genes, stay in great shape even without going to the gym.
But, as soon as they start going to the gym and lift weights, their body positively starts responding.
They start gaining muscle mass and then they reach their maximum potential and get to the point of plateau.
Once they reach the plateau, they are not able to put on any more muscle mass.
The best way to check a person’s gains timeline is to see the before and after images.
In the case of Bolo Yeung, finding the photos from his young age was extremely difficult.
So, comparing his photos from his younger age to older age is not possible.
However, there are photos from the film “Enter the Dragon”, released in 1973, that show what he looked like in his early years.
A very clear proof that someone is using steroids is that their size keeps fluctuating.
If you take a look at their body composition or gains timeline, you can see that their size fluctuates a lot, especially in long term.
One example is Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 1974, he accepted that he takes steroids and that was the time when he was in his best shape.

He was so big and muscular that he easily on the title of Mr. Olympia at that time.
Now, as soon as he retired from pro bodybuilding in 1975, he lost his gains and his size shrunk a lot. All this happened in just 1 year.
However, he was still bigger than any average bodybuilder.
It was very evident in his action films that as time passed, his size started getting smaller.
For steroid users, when they stop taking steroids, their muscles start shrinking.
The reason is that their testosterone levels suppress and their body goes into a catabolic state. So, they start losing muscle mass.
If a person’s muscles do not shrink a lot even when he reaches old age, then it means that he is natural.
When a person gains muscle mass naturally, his genetics help him a lot and that is why his size remains almost the same even when he gets old.
So, what about Bolo Yeung? Has he maintained his size or not?
Bolo Yeung – Body Composition Comparison
Bolo Yeung has been working regularly in films and in 2007, he appeared in the movie Blizhniy Boy: The Ultimate Fighter. This film was released 34 years after the movie Enter The Dragon.

Here are 2 photos taken from that film and you can see that he was still jacked.
In the photo above, you can see that Bolo Yeung has maintained his size.
He was 27 years old when he did Enter The Dragon, whereas in the photo above he was 61 years old. His size hasn’t changed during all these years.
Bolo Yeung’s muscles have not shrunk a lot during all these years. He has maintained most of his muscle mass.
This is a strong sign that his muscles were not a result of steroids. He gained muscles naturally.
It is easy for natural bodybuilders to maintain their size if they continue going to the gym and regularly lift weights.
Here you can see another picture of Bolo Yeung from the same film
Judging by this picture, he still likes to exercise in the gym. Also, his arms and muscles are still big.

Verdict – Natural or Natty
All the evidence shows that Bolo Yeung is a natural bodybuilder. He did not take steroids.
His muscle growth is natty and that is why he does not show any symptoms of steroid use.
He is over 70 but still jacked. If he would have used steroids then his muscles would have shrunk at this age.
It looks like he has strong Asian genes that have helped him get massive muscle growth.
However, some people might feel that he is still taking steroids. But, why will he do that when he is in his 70’s, he is not 27 after all?

Also, if anybody would take steroids all his life for 40 to 50 years, his organs will get damaged and most certainly he will die.
Even if he survives, still he will have symptoms of steroid use visible on his body.
So, Bolo Yeung is natural, but just imagine if he would have taken steroids… how much more muscular he would have been. Almost like a beast.
Natural bodybuilding is not difficult and that is why many top Hollywood actors do it. For example, Chris Evans does not take steroids.
Best Steroid Alternative
You can do natural bodybuilding without steroids because they can cause side effects and health problems.
There are many natural steroid alternatives available today. They contain clinically tested organic ingredients.
The natural ingredients do not cause side effects or any toxicity.
Legal Testosterone Alternative
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in a male’s body.
It is responsible for giving you energy, strength as well as building muscles.
If your testosterone levels deplete, you cannot gain muscle mass. So, maintaining your levels is very important.
Many bodybuilders use the anabolic form of testosterone but that can cause more harm than benefit. It can give side effects.
It is recommended to use a legal testosterone alternative that is made from natural ingredients so that you do not get side effects.
The most popular legal testosterone alternative is TestoPrime because it is clinically tested to give rapid results.
It increases your muscle mass naturally and also boosts your energy levels so that you can exercise more.
In addition, your muscle gains stay for a long time, they do not shrink as soon as you stop taking the supplement.
Legal Dianabol Alternative
Dianabol is the big daddy of all steroids. Pro bodybuilders know the power of Dianabol.
It can easily make you big and muscular. However, it can cause extremely dangerous side effects.
So, it is recommended to use a legal Dianabol alternative like Crazybulk D-Bal.
Crazybulk D-Bal has been in the market for more than 7 years and it has helped thousands of men achieve their bodybuilding goals.
It is made from natural ingredients that are clinically tested and proven to increase your muscle mass rapidly.
In fact, it is one of the most powerful steroid alternatives that can help you get bigger naturally without side effects.
Best Fat Burner
If you have unwanted excess fat and you want to cut it to look more toned and shredded then you can try a fat burner pill.
It is important to use a supplement that is 100% natural so that you do not get any side effects.
There are hundreds of different fat burner supplements available in the market and most of them contain chemicals.
These chemicals or synthetic hormones can cause side effects. They do reduce weight but they are not safe.
Therefore, a supplement that contains natural ingredients is the ideal solution.
The best fat burner supplement available in the market today is PhenQ.
PhenQ is the legal alternative to Phentermine. You may already know that Phentermine is amazing when it comes to fat burning.
However, Phentermine is illegal because it can cause dangerous side effects, so PhenQ is the perfect alternative.
It contains only natural ingredients that are clinically tested and proven.
Also, it reduces weight rapidly without side effects.
Images credit goes to Bolo Yeung Instagram
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Bolo Yeung is my favorite villain of all times